Saturday 2 July 2016

Dead-heat in OZ election

Well I stayed up late last night watching live TV Intenet and the result will not be through till Tuesday. Probably Monday being July 4 they are having an Independence Day Bash somewhere! Lol!

Seriously, it was to be expected, but it will be interesting to see which Party can toe the line with seducing the Independents and the Greens to agree with them. I feel it may well be Turnbull, but I would like to see a change in government. 
It is really a very sharp knife edge and some heads may roll on Tuesday.
Cocaine smuggling now in vogue over here as the the drug barons see the good economy here, with wealthy Aucklanders willing to pay big prices for a tainted drug. There is never pure cocaine anymore as it was in the seventies when I had a snort in London. Pure heaven, but dangerous!
The famous Hero Parade signalled gay equality, or not?
The cake I plan to bake one day!
Hypnotising is the name of the PR machine. This time it seemed to work, now very few are happy as they see the result with real eyes.
This girl was seriously bashed by her longtime boyfriend and after a long time finally came out to tell the truth. Abusive relationships are often too hidden and the statistics not very real.
Interesting slant on Japanese solution to marriage when it wears out. People do like to be alone sometimes.

The excellent Maori television...the only channel I would choose if I had reception but I am happy I don't!

Am now off to Porirua to hear my old choir sing, the Glamaphones, the only Wellington gay chorale.

Unfortunately I wanted to take Barbara with me but she was booked for a trek. She would have loved the one hour concert sung by mainly women with some male voices. The songs were both inspirational and sad, evoking the atrocity of the Orlando massacre and also celebrating the 30th Anniversary of NZ Gay Law Reform.
The audience at the wonderful Pataka Arts centre at Porirua were in the most part elderly, but very empathetic and they enjoyed the great collection of songs, finishing with the Beatles classic 'Love is all you need'. 
'Twas a fitting end to my busy weekend, but no, I still have ballroom dancing tonight!

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