Sunday 24 July 2016

Coffee at Café Home

Well yesterday's Aussie documentary called 'Another Country' was well worth attending the Film Festival for, and I met the director who also wrote it after the show, Molly Reynolds, who now lives south of Hobart near Cygnet in Tasmania with her husband, excellent writer/ filmmaker Rolf De Heer. They are a powerful artistic couple and there is no doubt this marvellous documentary about the sad state of Indigenous polices in Australia will make its important mark. 

It was told by Aboriginal Icon David Gulpilil and he was the perfect conduit to show just how the Australian government has been wrong for two hundred years on Indigenous issues. In the documentary David and Rolf had collaborated on the script to make it as authentic as possible. And it was just that, and the footage was shot so beautifully and poignantly it made you feel as though you were there. And as well I had actually been there as it was very close to the Tiwi Islands where I had recently visited my nephew who was teaching there for two years. A very important movie for sure.

At Home cafe at the National Library..Memphis is closed for renovations.
The sport which is their Kiwi religion, and in the mud!
On the trail to the White House....
Local magazine examining diets...paleo etc, I wonder how I eat so well with no diet to speak of. I think it is just something I have learned with years of experience, also it is a matter of listening to how the body responds to food and it is is a long time since I have eaten red meat at all. I think I am a natural piscatarian.

Below, The Homeboy collecting the cups....
Later today I am seeing an interesting looking movie from Tunisia at the film festival. A love story set in the awakening of the Arab Spring which began the social unrest of North Africa. I do have a soft spot for Tunisians as my very first lover was a Tunisian in Sydney in 1967.

Browsing through this NZ Fashion Quarterly and I discover how the luxury peole live in these beautiful islands.
This is one way of living at Havelock North
Everything is of the highest quality here....

..even the models are good!

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