Monday 11 July 2016

Still coughing...

Today I arrive at Memphis and it is very chilly and I sit at the window where this hardy soul, read 'smoker', sits right outside my window. My cold is getting into the cough area and this means I need to take more care, perhaps today I'll buy some Vicks to rub on my chest. I do not need a chest cold at all.
Wearing his North Face cover.....
Awful effect of the terrible Meth Amphetamine....
The women are standing up to be heard in the US where shootings are becoming a daily ritual...
Tom Scott is on the ball as  always....
..but is this message from Australia true? I think there'll be a backlash to this reporting.
A typical underdog Kiwi with a dislocated knuckle still wins Gold at the Olympics in 1928, although this time Lydia Ko, below, misses out on winning her first US open championship.

It is a miserably cold day today and after a hot lemon and ginger drink at Memphis I adjourn to the much warmer city library for a coffee and muffin. It has been an interesting time this last week on home-stay, meaning I am thinking more and more about my decision to leave Wellie at the end of the year. I am thinking it may even turn out that I go earlier if Julian's family comes to the party with taking over the lease. I can see that I need to be home in OZ for a lot of reasons and one of them is that my time here is coming to an end, one can only have so many 'perfect coffees'! Is Tasmania beckoning again, for me to 'hole-up' and write that ever-elusive book? If so, Devonport is a possibility.

My long black at the library was quite OK too!

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