Friday 29 July 2016

Freezing Day two

Just up in time to get to Flashdog for an early 8.30am start, but also just had time to grab a takeaway coffee at the petrol station nearby, and it was a good one! 
The day was full as always at ECK Seminars with a great buzz surrounding the place.
The talks and workshops were excellent and I felt totally reassured about my decision to go back to  OZ later this year even disclosing it to a few special Kiwi friends but insisting it was not yet common knowledge. I will announce it soon after the seminar terminates so everyone will hear it from me and not from others I hope.
Dropped Aussie friend Ann off at her hotel last night after the end of the day's talks.
She is a good friend and I was her very first ECK teacher over ten years ago now and she is indeed an ardent ECKist.
Here are Gwyneth and Sheree giving an excellent workshop on using spiritual skills to help one in life's travails.

Just realised my new friend Kumar from Nelson is the best friend of my good friend Murali in Singapore...see the photo!

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