Sunday 3 July 2016

Monday wait - but sunny

It may be a week before results are settled but it is obvious that Malcolm Turnbull  has not donehis party justice. Labor is smiling even if it is a hung parliament with the Coalition just scraping in. It will certainly be a period of unstable government.
Bill Shorten has given in yet to a very shaky Lib National performance.
This was the man who is credited with revealing the truths of Nazi atrocities in WW II
Busy Monday at Memphis....
But I moved on the National Library for a nice lunch where the local public servants are enjoyng their lunch too. A vastly different scene from that at Memphis, but a very nice lentil Quesadilla....
The monthly Wellington magazine showing how the dance is now integrated into disabilities. I can remember well dancing with Sue in her wheelchair in a pub on Saturday night in country Victoria, nearly thirty years ago. It was in the little town of Inverloch.
Here is  Maori success story as a graduate in Marine Science from Victoria University, it is a rarity for this to happen and certainly things should start changing soon.
Shane Parata's story of realising he could also go University and get a degree, even as a single Dad.
The big Rainbow flag backdrop at yesterday's Glamaphones Concert at Pataka Arts Centre in Porirua. The majority of the audience were elderly women....

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