Thursday 28 July 2016

Seminar day one

Up ealy to grab a quick sustaining coffee at the Salvation Café near to Flashdog Studios.
It was a mocha coffee for a change, but it still got me going to be there for the eight-thirty start to a long but stimulating day.
Cafe Salvation...
A young Kiwi who scrimped and saved enought to buy a double unit for his future home or as a solid real estate investment. Very wise and astute Scottish boy!
Here are the older Kwis using their cell phones...
...and here are ten filthy rich Kiwis celebrating their wealth....
Toby and Joanne at front desk receiving the early    arrivals....
...our own Viva with US guest Rodney Jones preparing a song for everyone. Rodney is a guitar professional with many CDs and also a professor at Juillard School in NYC.
It was a very interesting mix of speakers and we all adjourned at midday for a wonderful locally prepared lunch at the studio.
Home for a short break before the evening session starting at seven-thirty. It's going to be a full and very varied weekend finishing on Sunday afternoon with a potluck lunch at Flashdog.

Gwyneth and Vince preparing a balloon welcome for ECK attendees at Flashdog Studios.

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