Saturday 9 July 2016

Sunday headlines - out and proud.

Into Memphis after a longish talk wirh Kojiro who confessed in his broken English that his ticket to Japan was not useable as Immigration had not gotten his papers in order in time. Where the blame lies is not sure, as I know there was  a lot of confusion in the translation of his documents and it may well have been this time-delay which spoiled his trip. He has decided instead to go to Rotorua and then to New Plymouth for a mountain biking holiday with a friend. Such is life in a foreign country, you just have to roll with the blows, but I feel it was a totally avoidable result.
Auckland's front page shows two men together in 2016,  celebrating the thirty years since the Gay Law Reform made their relationship legal. But that's how it was in my day, we were all 'criminal'.
Another top Kiwi abroad, in London and Africa, photographing the wild and leading photo safaris.
Lions canoodling....
Yes the wealthy Kiwis have bought this secluded beach paradise, attainable only by boat.
The dark side of Kiwi life, shown in the amazingly violent 'Once were Warriors'. This life is still going on  in gang warfare in various parts of these pristine islands. 
On the other side, in the Edinburgh of the South, Dunedin, there is a chocolate festival to end all fests.
This heavy rock music which came from Christchurch before the earthquake still has its followers in this documentary movie about 'Into the Void', not my taste I'm afraid , but again a reflection of the darker side of Kiwi creativity where they seem to excel.
Here they are, 'The Void'!
Here is the resurrection of paradise after the tsunami wrought its disaster on Samoa. I would love to visit it one day perhaps.
The Samoans are beautiful people and Paris tells me he has been to this beautiful beach.
Another Kiwi talent...they are everywhere, a Grammy winner in LA and  just another music graduate from Hamilton!
This Kiwi seventies rock-music survivor is now moving her jewellery business to Vevey in Switzerland as it is cheaper than in Auckland. Easy peasy!
She is an ex-model, rock-star consort and successful businesswoman and mother, just a normal Kiwi success story, with its ups and downs no doubt..
I drop by the City Library for some late brunch and I bump into Paul H, Wellington is a very small place.
Then home for a rest before going dancing tonight.

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