Saturday 30 July 2016

Sunny last day

Well the Seminar is over, and it was a success for all who took part. The final day dawned sunny which was great as the venue shifted from Flashdog Studios to Te Wharewaka on the wharf. It was a beautiful outlook and we had to draw the blinds as the glare was so strong reflected from the water. Again Rodney our guest speaker drew us all in with his inimitable speaking skill but above all fascinating and inspirational  stories. The morning finished at 12.30 and we adjourned back to the studio for a delicious pot luck luncheon. 

Before the luncheon I even fitted in a short visit to find Pam and Ellie fit and well with Ellie's brand new beautiful babe Mia.
Gathering with Rodney after his great talk....
The view from Te Waharewaka...
Two Eckists from Nigeria, Sola and Ebun.
A selfie to end them all, with Rodney.
Visiting Brooklyn with Pam with Ellie's new daughter Mia.
The smaller group at Te Wharewaka.

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