Thursday 14 July 2016

Friday on my mind...

Slept well as usual but slowly emerged from my warm bed realising my back needs attention asap. Phone call came through at nine-thirty for an appointment but not till ten am tomorrow. Oh well, Ican survive another day, with care. I just have to move very carefully and stretch as much as I can. It is obvious my daily regime will soon, very soon, have to include morning yoga stretches as Andrew does and I will consult with him in Gosford in four weeks time. With a painful back there is no life to lead so I have to be more regimented and accept this fact. Constant maintenance is the only remedy to stop this happening at really bad times.. I am only hoping this new osteopath chiropractor friend of David's will do the right job tomorrow so I can go to the symphony concert and enjoy it tomorrow with the other David.
Memphis is a real family café
Boris is resurrected, for a while anyway!
Cats rule at Number Ten 
Interesting step down....
Aussie Rugby League intimacy,..
Another Kiwi star like Lorde, but with her wife

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