Friday 14 October 2016

Arrived at last

Yesterday was a milestone as it happened to have my first return movie take place, and what a movie it was. This documentary about a Sudanese refugee woman called Constance, was amazingly good and inspirational and I finally felt proud to be an Aussie.
It was an all-woman production and showed the depth of talent Aussie has in this field now.  My documentary of forty years ago may have broken some ground, but today's tribe of moviemakers makes for a fitting  reward. The plight of the refugees is hard for us white established people to really inderstand, 'walk in my shoes' sort of thing, but in this movie we got to know this great African leader Constance, and her six children, and their successes and failures, and her trials with ovecoming depression on being uprooted so many times and treated so badly by authoritative men.

It was a lesson in so many things, compassion, love, child-rearing, letting go of the past and embracing a new future. All of these things Constance did so well and our hearts collectively went out to her during this excellent baring of her soul. I met and congratulated the director after the show and the Avoca Beach theatre was practically full for this one-off event. Let's hope it has more exposure as all Aussies should see it.

It was also a welcome return to visiting this independent cinema at the beautiful Avoca beach, where I have so many memories from my youth, and even more recently. The owners of the cinema are valiantly trying to save it from destruction and have plans to expand with three more boutiquecinemas and still keep the original one, but the Council, as always, is trying in so many werid ways tonprevent them from doing so. The principal one is big money doesn't want small people to succeed I'm afraid, and it has so much power over the council the little people have to submit, mostly, but not always. I hope to become part of the Waterfront Action group to save it for an Arts Centre in Gosford,  instead of an ugly Taxation buliding on this prime site on Gosford's beautiful waterfront. But Gosford Council is a basket-case, and always seems to have been so.
This is the excellent flyer for this great documentay....

Am sitting atthe   Gnostic Mana Café in Woy woy. Their coffee, and mana, are excellent. It may replace Ruby's for me!

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