Sunday 23 October 2016

Monday at Ruby's

Monday dawns hot and my clothes are on the line to be dried in a whiz. My weekend was great and I have many memories of last night at Paddington Town Hall, hopefully to be resuscitated next year when I join the Sydney GL Choir.

Today more shopping to do, settling in and creating an outdoor space for morning breakfast with a table and chairs in the sun.

Trump's future in Australia is not to be countenanced and I feel his demise is imminent.
Ruby's has good coffee and and i-net connection which is great. Optus has to be looked into as I am not getting a good coverage...

Egypt, once great, now socially crumbling and an economic disaster, is desperate for more sugar which it uses excessively creating enormous problems with diabetes... What can you say, Karma?
Divali, which I celebrated up-close and pesonal last year in Wellington, is in the paper today...
Coca Cola Amatil, the world's unhealthiest company, deserves to go bust, but will it? I doubt it, people are too addicted to sugar. I try never to buy anything associated with Coke. Ugh!

A look into the Optus Shop with obliging young nerds to help me,  showed me that I  am over-consuming  with my use of Facebook and may need to upgrade, but to what? Nathan, a devout Adventist, recommended an $80 plan which gives me a generous 25 gigabytes, but I am not sure I'll need so much once I am setup here with all my other stuff  to do. No more movies  to download and hopefully less Facebook to check into, my Data consumption will reduce drastically I think.
I'll sleep on it....zzzzzz.

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