Friday 7 October 2016

Saturday house search and Sydney

Today I visit, my first, and hopefully last, house as I am optimistic about it. At Woy Woy, or Blackwall to be precise, it is a cabana, and very humble and simple, exactly what I need for my next chapter.

Well it turned out OK, and the owner did me a FaceTime chat when I said I had no idea who he was, living fulltime in Sydney. His name is Dean and we decided it would be a goer for me to move in, and with Wayne the Movier being so good I decided to move in on Tuesday. So my organisation of my next chapter on the coast is moving very fast indeed.
The unit is a small cabin behind a home, examples of which are all over the coast with people trying to make an extra dollar out of their quarter acres. There is a small space for garden and herbs, it is totally private with already a washing machine and a nicely tiled floor. It is exactly what I need for my chapter of creativity on the coast. Now to move in, settle down, and start creating.

After this viewing I took the train to Sydney for my ECK service, catching up with many old friends, and  then took the Manly ferry to visit with my dear friend Susie.
Susie met me at the Manly quay and we drove to her son's home in Curl Curl and had a long chat and   reminisced over a cup of green tea. The Northern beaches are very expensive now and no home is under one million dollars. This is Sydney where the dollar reigns supreme. That's why I am much happier in Woy Woy where there is a cross-section but many poorer than in the smart suburbs of Sydney. This suits me just fine.
Up close with Susie at Curl Curl.
Ferrying back to Circular Quay...
Here is one of my new cafés in Ocean Beach where I am soon to be living. It could become a regular visit as it has books and good coffee to boot, it's called Ruby's.
My other café in Woy Woy, Gnosti Mana, where there is also good coffee....
Headlines in the Telegraph... News echoing what I said about Sydney and it's money obsession. The greyhounds are worth money so we could never ban them, with Premier Mike Baird showing just what a toothless tiger he has turned out to be, just like the Prime Minister!

So it has been a happening weekend and today,  Monday, the temperature soared to 32 degrees, a hint of what is to come, but still it is cooler tomorrow for my move thank goodness.

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