Monday 31 October 2016

Melbourne Cup Day

Another Cup Day and another 'no-win'. Will I ever stop wasting my money on horses? My three bets came 10th, 11th and 12th, at least they stuck together. The winnner Almandin, was a worthy steed and it was indeed an exciting finish, although I must agree with the Animal Liberationists, that the Cup can be a cruel master and that many horses suffer as a result. I love horses and certainly don't want them to suffer, and when sometimes they are given steroids to cover their pain the industry is of course at fault as it is solely money based. What can you do?
But just as flawed is Cardinal Pell who hopefully will get his comeuppance one day, to pay for all the  unspeakable results that have been caused by his inaction, and also it seems, by his wrong actions.
Another example of an abused boy...where there is smoke there is a bush fire!
The weak Aussie government being led by this mad right-wing ignoramus, Pauline Hansen.
New Zealand leading the way yet again in how it distributes welfare to at-risk people.
The beautiful horse winning the most expensive cup, $6 million, in the world!

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