Tuesday 25 October 2016

Recovery Day

Well I received another text from Peter who has been discharged from hospital which is at least good news. Tonight I will visit him with some chicken broth, always a cure-all in times of crisis, but there are serious implications and some decisions will have to be made and he knows it by now, even possibly major surgery.
The two baristas at Ruby's are both very good, thank the Lord!
But not this bandit called Brandis who is horrifying all Australia with his autocratic actions and even impeding true Law to take place. He has undermined the Federal Solicitor General  and Australia is again the laughing stock of the world, certainly the legal one. P.M.Turnbull should be ashamed and stand down the Attorney General asap.
This is the Dean of Law at UNSW who says what I said, AG George Brandis is unfit for the job.
A warmup, and warning, for the madness of the Melbourne Cup next Tuesday, a day I always enjoy, and have a bet, mostly to lose of course!
Here is a happy local emigrée who has 'done good' on the Central Coast and even made a forty-five minute doco to show how good it is here. I must try to get to it as it is always interesting to see someone's pov from another country, this time, the UK. Also to support an independent film maker of course. I have been told I should get around to organising my doco to appear on U-tube...hopefully one day.

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