Sunday 30 October 2016

Wotta weekend!

Home late last night in the rain after two great days of spiritual renewal with good friends in  Sydney at the ECK centre at Ultimo, right next to Central Station to be exact. 
Athough there were no trains running as trackwork meant all Central Coast trains were cancelled and this meant a wake-up call at five for a six am bus ride to Sydney. I swore I wouldn't do it again but the return trip was even worse on Sunday with the air-con freezing and the driver saying that he could do nothing about it. Result, everyone froze so really, this will be my last bus-trip to Sydney.

However getting together with all my friends was worth the awful trip, and today I am savouring the experience. Weather has also improved and I am enjoyng the Central Coast sunny experience. I also received an e-mail this morning with a cancellation to the Riverwood Downs Scottish dance weekend so now I can make this favourite weekend next Friday. Also I will be able to catch up with some Newcastle friends which will be excellent.

Melbourne Cup on tomorrow so I will be having a bet....
I always love the greys so tomorrow I will pick this beauty called Grey Lion.
Below, Stephanie Alexander is favourite cook but uses too much sugar for me today...
Below an example of corruption within the NSW Police force, with a Central Coast woman having been tortured and killed by a person who should have been in gaol but for police cover-up
The problem is the custom of covering their brothers' backs in the force, no matter what, they won't admit mistakes.
PM Turnbull taking a photo opp. with the Aboriginal card, which always is a tricky one, reasons being the absolute inequality with the discrimination against Aboriginals running deep, going back two  hundred years of discrimination and gaoling these so-called 'No-people'. Awful, awful awful!

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