Wednesday 12 October 2016

More settling in...

In Gosford today to do some tweaking to my aged pension, i.e. a final change of address which has to be done through ringing Hobart yet again as that's where the International Centrelink office is, strange aye?
It took a while to explain why I was ringing but they had insisted I do so and I think it is now finalised, I am am home and ready now to be re-enrolled as a voting Aussie and have a say in the next elections.
The internalised frustration harboured by Indigenous peoples and their rejection by the white colonials has resulted in horrifying abuse within Aboriginal familes and it is here where the blame lies. 
The government now has an intrinsic responsibility to take life-saving measures to even begin to address this situation amongst some many Indigenous tribes in Australia. Shame on an inactive and hypocritical government!
So many lives are at stake the Royal Commision says.
Settling back into the Central Coast
This ugly right-ring extremist is an ardent monarchist as well. David Flint is a real blight to his tribe.
I am wondering if this champion jockey may be an ext-pat Kiwi, he certainly looks like one.

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