Wednesday 19 October 2016

Back at Mana

Weird weather makes for a return to sweaters and a warming coffee at Mana. I should be used to the   vagaries of the changing climate but it is still difficult when I am expecting a warmer clime than in NZ....
My hair is starting to look like Donald Trump's so perhaps it is time for a cut!!!
Is this a comb-over!!?
The earlier Bill Leak cartoon about Aboriginal parenting, or the lack of it, has set off a maelstrom of letters and in this latest cartoon Bill joins the fray himself. From my pov, I agree with his intentions but not wirh his action. The fragility of the alcohol-addicted Aboriginal elder men is the direct result of colonial racism and ignorance and I don't think we whites, i.e. cartoonists, have the right to make a joke of it from the paternal viewpoint. I know he didn't mean it that way, but that's how it unfortunately is...
The Gnostic magazine in the Mana café...
...showing a real-life Gnostic full of metal.
...and my next meal!
On the walls of the café are these local artworks at reasonable prices....
The wife of the PM Lucy Turnbull has her own agenda and is seen here to be a powerful broker for the future of Sydney. She wants it to become three cities which is quite realistic and such planning has been done a lot in the US. Expansion is inevitable and has to be sensibly planned especially creating an International  Airport at Badgery's Creek to take pressure off Mascot which is becoming intolerable.

This weekend is a return to Kiwi - Aussie rivalry on the footy ground with Auckland taking off when the All Blacks will doubtless win the third Bledisoe Cup game at Eden Park. I will be in Sydney anyway so may as well see it at my brother's home. Saturday night is for Rugby and Sunday is for ECK with the transmission of the address by the Living ECK Master at the Minneapolis Seminar. It is surely a big weekend for me again, finishing with a concert by the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Choir at the Paddington Town Hall, then home on Sunday night to recover. Such is my new lfe in OZ...

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