Tuesday 25 October 2016

Tuesday in Gosford

It was a dramatic start to this morning when I received a text saying my good friend Peter was in hospital. Each time I hear such news I always fear the worst. One does that, I think, naturally. Luckily I knew I would be Gosford this morning for an appoinment which actually turned out to be cancelled so I was able to see Peter in ICU with a racing heart rate of 140 when mine is eighty! He was
there for the night with drip and monitoring but would be changing drugs which will help him come through.  It was the result of another over-stressed Tuesday where his day is filled with active lecturing and it always has a debilitating effect on his health. But this time it was near fatal. They kept him in hospital overnight but he said he has to work tomorrow to be present for his students on their final day. Pete is a dedicated teacher but this is at the expense of his health. I just don't know what to say to him but this may be the final straw.

So a coffee later at Café Body Fuel in Gosford prepares me for some more plant shopping on my way home, and hopefully Peter is under good care till tomorrow? I left the latest New Yorker with him and he will see the article I very much wanted him to read, he may even take notice of it if it is in the New Yorker which is is favourite magazine. Timing is everything after all.
This Napoleon character of Attorney-General George Brandis needs to be sacked but the PM has not the balls, to be frank, to do it.
Kibble Park in Gosford which is vasty underused and should be the centre of a thriving town, but isn't.
This should be my next cake to bake, that is when my kitchen stuff arrives from NZ in a few weeks.

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