Sunday 16 October 2016

First Monday in Umina

Well it does rain in Woy Woy as I discovered today so I slept in luxuriously and then after brekkie called in to Ruby's in Umina for a coffee and roll. It is nice there but rarely do they have the daily SMH on offer.
It's not as efficient or as friendly as Memphis but I knew that would happen, I just have to realise that my life in Wellie was a jewel which had to come to an end one day, and who knows, I could even return there but I have to give Aussie a go in spite of its terrible politics and government in power at the moment. The memories of the awful John Howard come back when I see and hear the weakness of the present PM who seems be as lily-livered as his detractors say.
The oldies like Ruby's...not many young ones here, and who should appear but Malcolm, arriving for an interview with a young man for a job at Coles BottleMart where he works part-time. He happens to be the number interviewer because of his very great HR experience in his earlier work with Qantas.

Afterwards he shows me yet another café, his Umina favourite, with great health drinks on sale. It is humble but nicely run by just a couple who love their business. I will certainly visit it soon, if not tomorrow.
Aussie hero Mel Gibson with yet another young beauty on his arm, and pregnant! When will he ever stop?
These young Pasifikas come to OZ without their families and suffer from this so much...
Julie Bishop I'm afraid is in the starring role of Foreign Minister and she's loving every minute of it. I sometimes wonder about her depth and this article doesn't help her much I think. 

The rain came and went, it is Springtime showers of course, so I was able to return home to do my washing, cook some fettuccine for a late lunch and generally try to feel 'at home'. It will eventually come, I must be patient. It was never going to be easy this return, after three exciting years in wondrous Wellington. But I have things to do here and will just take one day at a time.

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