Sunday 2 October 2016

New car in Gosford

My return to Gosford is nostalgic as I left after the death of my dear Mum in 2008 and her memory is strongest here in our hometown where I grew up and went to school. I have already a network of friends who no doubt will be happy to see me on my return as I am coming with a lot of energy to see what I can do. Gosford is, as always, in a parlous state of under-development and the NSW government is just using it for however it sees fit with no regard to the residents. The building of a Tax Office on the venue of a proposed Arts Precinct is the major debating point and I will certainly join with the dissidents to stop that going ahead. Also today I am having a look and test-drive of a Suburu Impreza  which I may well purchase if it is OK.

Well the weather in NSW is better, not too hot, not cold at all, so this is a bonus which I will look for everywhere. Also my dear friend Cherel has donated me her Mum's white goods for when I move in to my own how about that! Looks like the Unverse is working in my direction with my next two weekends fully booked in Sydney, so life is taking off on the run.

Yesterday my brother drove me and my heavy bag to Central Station for my last carrying move  to Wyoming. Thank goodness it is over, now just to wait for the rest of my stuff to arrive by ship in a month's time. By then I may have found a flat somewhere, or not, I am quite happy at Peter's house and will await the right place.

Bro Mike with his ever-present uke which he practises all the time, before driving me to Central.
Departing from Central....
Arrived at Gosford with memory of my Mum very present with this little Gemini statue in Peter's garden. I bought it for Mum's front door In East Gosford when we lived together for ten years...
Having coffee at café called The Ministry which is right by my new home. This vision is very typical of the Central Coast bogan! I discover later that he may be the owner of the café...
Yesterday's euphoria....
..and this man played with a broken elbow!
The always present fear of a shark attack in OZ...
How mad is this heist of $11 million of jewellery in Paris...perhaps they earned it, may be their karma.

Below is Yentl, my new (preloved) Subaru Impreza who is happily ensconced in her new space outside Peter's garage. Ron who sold her to me is a Black Belt karate instructor and he was a good man to deal with, bringing the price down to a fair one. Thanks Ron!
Yentl happy in the sun...

She even looks better from behind!

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