Thursday 27 October 2016

Friday on my mind....

It will be very interesting to see how my life, however similar to that I led in Wellington, may shape up here on the Coast now I am in a very fragile financial situation. Whereas my outgoing, expensive, and expansive life in NZ was so enjoyable, (I did everything I wanted), here my activities will be severely curtailed with my rental and and car expenses biting heavily into my budget. But I knew about this and am aware that my French teaching was the plan to re-invigorate my pocket and that plan needs to be put into effect pretty soon. But I suppose once my stuff arrives in two weeks or so, I will be in a better position to offer my services.. All will be OK I am totally sure as when I went to see Gnostic Forest yesterday, Mary Holstein the very gracious owner welcomed me with an invitation to speak on November 30, as well as taking my batch of HU cds, so it was an excellent result. I am now 'on the way'.
 This weekend the Arahata training in Sydney will consolidate this and set my sails towards the Far Horizon.
Two more clients at Ruby's, examples of the alternate local scene.
Two pieces of theatre worth catching in Sydney..
Especially this one with Colin Friels which I had planned to see but will now just read this excellent review. I have things to do here instead.
HIVstill makes news with Dr. Anthony Fauci admitting he, amongst others, had made a big mistake in the early days. The climate was sheer madness and people wanted to believe anything to cast the blame somewhere. This latest research makes absolute sense to me, that the viral strain was in evidence well before the eighties throughout Haiti and NYC and was not due to the excesses of one French-Canadian Air Steward named Gaetan Dugas!

Italy suffers from ongoing earthquakes and is patently unprepared for rhem. Is this just another, if tragic, example of a country's karma?

Arrived home to a welcome update from Centrlink, they have finally changed my address.

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