Saturday 1 October 2016

Gosford - and another Grand Final

Today it will be 27 degrees centigrade so I leave Malabar early to take a train to have a soft landing in Wyoming  where I will stay for a while with Peter before finding my own place.
The Brisbane Waters are shimmering as ever and I feel quite nostagic making this train ride which I have done hundreds of times before. It is really one of the great train rides you can have in this country, for just one hour and twenty minutes to escape the turmoil and progress of Sydney and arrive in a beautful but developmentally stagnated city. They cannot manage to progress here without something going wrong so virtually nothing has happened in the fifty years since I left.
The government is shortsighted and often corrupt, with the community not being heard so I may even join in the fight for the Arts Precinct to be built where it should, on the site of the former Public School with view on to the water, instead of the Tax Dept building an ugly edifice there against all public wishes. 

Am in Gosford to make the move in two parts, luggage too heavy for one.
Peter's pristine home and view to the garden...

His great and functional kitchen... 
My view from the bedroom.
Swans lose to victorious Bulldogs in a happy Melbourne result.
Bulldogs happy as Larry....
Sydney Rugby League final with local Cronulla Sharks winning their first premiership after fifty years
Much celebrating with their young team jubilant and unbelieving...

Such is life in Sydney on Grand Final weekend...Aussies are just as sports mad as the Kiwis I'm sure of that after today, but the demographics here are much broader and the population much, much, larger. 

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