Thursday 20 October 2016

The Ocean Beach dream

Yesterday was sunshine and this beautiful view, and today, Saturday, is cold, wet and dreary, but everyone in Woy Woy is still wearing thongs, ie flip-flops or jandals, according to your country of origin, and t-shirts. But not me as I put on my raincoat and green Doc Martens and venture forth to have a coffee at Ruby's and see what the Saturday SMH has to say.
On Friday I went walking with  Cherel and her beautiful greyhound Penny on this pristine Ocean Beach, and then had an excellent coffee at Ettalong which has certainly become a bit more upmarket since I was here years ago. The local ferry takes Palm Beach trekkers on a thrice daily trip which I will do one day also.
It was a good day and I even visited Gosford to finish my relationship with a large fridge which I sold to Mover Wayne, and at Bunnings I bought my my first lemon tree, a Meyer dwarf, which I hope will bear some delicious thin-skins in the future. Now to get a bouganvillea and a red rose bush....I need to have a few plants in this concrete garden I have inherited, but some grass is there too so I have no complaints.

This mad monk Abbott is trying for a comeback but who knows what will happen?
James Packer's problems are getting seriously worse with this high-roller putting all his stakes into gaming casinos. He may well have just taken a very wrong turn.
Elizabeth Farrelly says she had it right years ago, that terraces are the housing solution they were last century. Mid-density terrace housing is the most practical and comfortable as well. I know this having lived in a few in my day and in Summer they are super-cool as long as in winter you can get some Northerly sun, they are great.
In the travel section the Kimberley Tour is now well on my bucket-list to do, it looks amazing  and as well as seeing Uluru I have to do this trip one day, but with some kindred spirit, so I'll just put it out there.
A nine day tour looks fantastic... I'll have to starting working to save some cash for the holiday of a lifetime!

This is Ruby's Red Lounge, an attractive addition to the coffee shop scene.

Am now ready for a busy Sydney trip with a visit to my brother's and and a very full day tomorrow.

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