Tuesday 4 October 2016

Woy Woy visit

Like everyday here it is warm and sunny, so today I sleep in but still get to Vinnies in time to purchase a new bed and chairs for my new place when it eventually appears. Just getting ready.

Then on to the Point Clare cemetery to visit my Mum's grave and all is in order in this beautiful bushland setting. She rests on top of my father, the way she always planned. Their bones that is.

Decided to visit Woy Woy  and Malcolm so I have a coffee at the Gnostic Mana Café which I always like as it has good food and nice coffee. Malcolm is joining me here later.
The vey popular Gnostic Café 
Outside someone drives my car (or very similar) right on by....looks good lol!
Silly spoiled Sydney boys flaunting their bodies in Malaysia and they should be gaoled to teach them a lesson. Too much money with not enough sense or even good manners. What did their expensive private school education teach them?
Clover on the trail again to improve the Sydney landscape. A square in the city is much needed and it will be her lasting legacy. I can see it named Clover Square!

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