Saturday 22 October 2016

Big Day in Sydney

Wow this day has alrady been big and now set to be even bigger.
The meeting I went to at the Eck centre was smaller than expected as the major talk from Minneapolis is not until next month, that is and if I don't download Harold's speech in the audio version  before then. But all was good and I met with my good Eck friends including dear Homyra who brought me up to date with all her plans amd all is well there. Next time I see her may well be in Woy Woy when she comes up for a visit.

Am now at a healthy cafe in Paddington called 'Mickeys ' where I had the healthiest drink imaginable of a mix of orange, apple, kale , turmeric, ginger and lemon. Am sure it will have an effect on my system, being the best thing I have eaten in days, this accompanied  by a salmon and veggie taco which was also extra healthy.
And now for the concert of the year with Sydney GLBTI Choir and a bonus of Michael Kirby's speech. I may even get a chance to chat, who knows?
Café on Hyde Park in the sun but chilly wind blowing....
Deng Adut on the cover whom I met recently in Wellington. He still suffers undestandably from surviving a horrific childhood...
This concert was another great example of how community singing raises the spirits and lightens the soul...I hope to be able to join them next year and raise my voice again...
The tragic passing of Gareth whom I knew from earlier days leaves a great hole but also a great legacy with his beloved choir.
Met up with Tim from many years ago, skinnny as ever and no changes there...and took a train home for a ten pm return. All good with the train system so I should be able to do a day trip easily when the Choir resumes next year. My schedule is gradually taking shape.

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