Monday 17 October 2016

Café Mana

Am slowly making this tiny flat my own and it is very easy to live in I must say. There is so little to clean and just a worm farm to look after. What more does a single man actually need? We'll just wait and see lol!

Today was a coffee at café Mana and a bit more shopping for the kitchen but later when I called in to see Cherel I met her tenants who were delightful and also happened to be ballroom dancers. I was encouraged to attend the class tonight in Gosford and there I met up with more old friends from ten years ago. Cherel also presented me with a beautiful pot plant for my naked entrance and now my little home has has colour and life when I arrive home.

My neat little kitchen...with washer!
James Packer may be getting some of his karma back....who knows what the future holds for China?
This man George Gittoes is a modern day hero and may he reap his good karma. He is an artist, but more importantly, a philanthropist and a socially acute activist doing innovative global improvements in his fascinating adventurous life. More Power to him!
Someone loves Bob Dylan....
...and someone else laughs at his winning the Nobel Prize. Each merits consideration.

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