Thursday 6 October 2016

The Ministry of Discontent

Today it will be 29 degrees centigrade and it's only Springtime in Gosford. God knows what the temperatures will soar to in the height of summer. But then I knew what I was coming to and it is somehow comforting as the heat makes me feel I have come home - it is my country after all.

I go down to the local Ministry Café to have a quick coffee while Wayne the Mover is moving some stuff I bought recently across the town to Peter's garage. It won't be there long as I feel I may have found somewhere to live more permanent, and it's back in Woy Woy where all this stuff is coming from. C'est la vie, at least I am contributing to the local economy lol!
This is a pin-hole shot of a café which so far deserves no more than that. The coffee is passable, the service very local, and the cakes very ordinary. Will they improve, who knows, but I did give a small critique about the quality of the friand....a bit rich ay, me just just coming from Wellington! 

The beautiful cemetery at Point Clare that I visited on Wednesday to see my parents' grave.
The shiny gilt headstone commemorating Mum  and Dad - may they rest in peace indeed.

This weekend is another big one, tomorrow I am off to Sydney for an important meeting with the Original 78ers. These are the ones who participated in the very first gay demonstration in Sydney in 1978 which heralded the Sydney beginning of Gay Pride and the eventual and now iconic Mardi Gras March in February each year. Many people were gaoled on this original march of pride, not me, but I was there and witnessed the police using undue force on the gays and it was a feeling which stayed with me for a while. It was also where I met the political gay activist Denis Altman who now lives in Melbourne. The meeting is to plan commemorative events for 2018, the fortieth anniversary of the march. 
Incidentally I was also an honorary French 68er, having spent a night in a Paris gaol with the students from Nanterre in 1969 when the student revolts were still happening in Paris. Earlier that same year when I was living in New York, the Stonewall riots took place when I was attending another disco bar not from from the Stonewall Inn, so I seem to have been there when certain major events took place in the sixties and seventies. They were very interesting times to be active and alive.
And now for the rest of my life to unfold in Aussie!

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