Monday 10 October 2016

First coffee at Ruby's

am doing what I always did in Wellington to see how it fits, my daily coffee hit and café visit....different town, different tastes, different mores will make for a vastly different experience.

However my i-pad is not publishing photos here for some unknown reason, there are more things to learn obviously! Later on at home I discovered all was all OK it must have the internet connection at fault at Ruby's. Small cheese.

The atmosphere here is alive and well, their second-hand books are a much needed hit after my surfeit of bookshops in Wellington. All in all it was a pleasant and perfectly repeatable experience. I will make   it possibly my regular place to visit.
Looking out from my seat in Ruby's...
..and across at a client..
The waitress, not the most charming, but may well come around in time, served me a frittata and salad with the offering of the dressing, served on later request, in a teaspoon. Their food may be OK for a few visits at least, or not!

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