Sunday 28 June 2015

A new week, a new life in Wellie

Am at Memphis as though I had never ever considered leaving Wellington. Paris and Gideon are efficiently making their perfect coffees and I squeeze into a table and take my regular Versato.
Another regular, whom I now meet, whose name is Anita, sits opposite me and we chat as we have many times before. She, like me, has a soft spot for the Memphis and she orders regularly her Mocha. I tell her about her namesake Swedish beauty of the fifties Anita Ekberg, who died this year aged eighty three, penniless in Rome, the site where she made cinematic histoy in Fellini's classic feature movie on the decadence of Rome, 'La Dolce Vita', by walking fully clothed in a strapless evening dress into the Trevi Fountain. This photo was etched into the memory of every cinema goer of the sixties.
News of yet another terrible massacre in Tunisia

But Rugby gets page one...

Real Estate always to the fore in Auckland..

Kiwi and Dutch entrepreneurs in the coastal townof Herbertville

Back page Rugby too

My coffee friend Anita....who is a typical example of the friendly and unassuming nature of the Wellingtonians.

I am quite sure as I acquaint my many friends with my reversal of decision that they will be as happy as I am with the result. I have cancelled my plan to go to Waiheke Island now as I am in no hurry to do that and felt silly placing any pressure on Y to accompany me, when it is patently obvious he has a million other things on his mind at the moment.

It is necessary to be more patient and certainly have fewer expectations with this relationship which is in such early and fragile days that I need the skills of a hot-house gardener to tend it. I tell myself it is time to pull back, he needs more space to himself, and when he is ready he will appear.

So on with my always busy and enjoyable life in this wonderful city. Tonight my return to Tiwhanawhana with also my good news for them I am sure. 

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