Thursday 11 June 2015

Last Friday before Sydney

Friday at Memphis, talking to Anita, a chatty young Kiwi lady who wants to talk. She is also a regular here and today she sat next to me as I was having my coffee. She is a coffee aficionado also.
One of the negatives about Maori exorcism gone wrong, and now a movie!

Jerry never far from news still, on day six!There is a big march planned for Porirua for his memorial...

Animal liberation is still in arrears in NZthis wholesale export of live sheep should stop the way it's going...

This great young Finnish conductor where I am goingtomorrow night to hear him conduct Bethoven and Sibelius at Michael Fowler Centre.

Hard to believe thisis happening in OZ at the moment, a couple is protesting against same sex marriage, which is frankly speaking, just social justice and equality for all.  This man is director of the Lachlan Macquarie Institute, a right wing Christian lobby group. It just shows we have a long way to go in Australia with the likes of PM Tony Abbott at the helm, refusing to countenance the legality of a marriage of his gay sister and her female partner.

Back to Friday lunch with just a few people at BP. 
Wagner concert Ring Cycle excerpts on tonight but I am booked with the HU song. However have managed to get a nice gallery seat overlooking the orchestra for tomorrow night with a Beethoven concerto and a marvellous piece by Sibelius which the NZSO does so well under their Finnish conductor, Pietari Inkinen. 

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