Tuesday 30 June 2015

Vale Y!

To numb my thoughts and indugle in others' emotions, I decided to go to see 'Far From The Madding Crowd' a Thomas Hardy classic book made into film. I hope it will somewhat assuage my feelings which I am trying desperately to ignore in the wake of the 'Dear John' letter I received this afternoon from Y. 

It is hard to believe, but with another Gemini, anything is possible, and I knew the risks before I went into this rash relationship. My mind said the worst would happen, but as always, I went with my heart. Did it break, yes, and no, as by this stage in my life I have had so many similar experiences I am getting quite used to them. But it is still a life-changing moment, to fall in love, and out of love, in a period of only five weeks, with two of them spent in another country.

What can I say, 'It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.'

However apparently,Bathsheba Everdene, the heroine in tonight's story, makes some ill-advised choices also, so I will be happy to share them with her. Carey Mulligan stars and I do like her very much, so I am hoping it will be a good choice. I may even cry, but then, tomorrow is another day!

Well I certainly didn't cry and it had its good and not so good parts. Directed by a Scandinavian and based on Hardy it was never going to be a laugh a minute, but it succeeded in having a happy ending in spite of many problems along the way. Such an epic book is hard to condense into two hours and even then it was slow but quite rhapsodic. The cinematography was high art and fabulous and the acting very good, but it didn't quite hook me. Only three stars, could have been better.

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