Wednesday 10 June 2015

Sun returns....

Wellington lives up to its valid reputation as the world's windiest city. Yesterday the winds blew a container into Oriental Bay and had to be rescued by a crane!
Millionnaire Kiwi laughing all way to the bank..the owner of the Museum Hotel just sold it for $28 million and keeps his apartment in it, and his wealthy collection of Kiwi art. A typical success story à la Dick Smith in OZ, but in this case it's seems just a little closer.

Container in harbour....showing the strength of winds in this bayside city in the path of the Roaring Forties 

Lee with Gideon....

Healthy veggies I've always known this..

Top of the ballet tree, a homegrown Kiwi lady, just annointed a Dame

McCullum again makes a wrong decisionin an unbeatable  situation

I finally meet Dave, the poet behind the books on the tables at Memphis, sells at $5 a pop so I buy one and he gives me two, free.
Dave Merritt who is the son of Pommie immigrantswho were unpopular Commies in the fifties, and was a result of this colourful union. 
He married a Maori, fathered two boys, now lives off the meagre proceeds of his five dollar poetry books, all made from recycled stuff, spouting his homilies and having his rants. But basically Dave is a product of this amazing country and he believes OZ is already doomed, to the oil developers of course. He is fifty-five and reckons tobacco is his only friend, but both his parents are alive in their nineties. 

Dave, rolling his own outside..

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