Saturday 13 June 2015

Sunday with Y

I cannot believe that tomorrow I am in Sydney, and today is a divine Wellington day. And I use this term advisedly, as God, whoever he is, has blessed this city on a fine day, sans wind, and today is one of them. And it is also my penultimate day in town.

Perfect day on Dixon

What ARE they doing with Maccas?

I am about to attend, unexpectlely a Rainbow meeting to plan for next year's thirty year anniversary of the Gay Law Reform. It takes place at Anvil House, and I only discovered this meeting thanks to facebook, so it does do a service sometimes!

A regular coffee aficionado.....drinking only single origin coffee beans.

I am all ready for leaving, bag packed and meetings for the most part already organised in Sydney and Gosford. The calendar is full so it will be in no time my return, and then the preps for The Big Move. It will be interesting to see if Y does come up to Waiheke with me for a few days. If he does I will be able to predict the future much more clearly.

Tonight we are meeting at Floridita's and then going to a music gig in Cuba St where his best friend Tris is playing the fiddle. It will be really good to meet this man who has played such a role in his life. And he wants me to meet him!

This amazing Kiwi Warrior Princess, Bunny McDiarmid, real life is not Zena, has just retired from the Greenpeace NZ organisation as Director, after thirty years with the Rainbow Warrior.

That is what you call dedication to he higher order, and I see very interestingly that she lives in a Commune on Waiheke Island. So along with the millionaires on Waiheke, there are still a few like her who keep the flame flying high for environmental care and sustainable living. Would be nice to meet her one day, although I don't think my friend Norma on Waiheke would be one of her inner circle, lol!  

Richie and Dan, their last game..relieved they are still in one piece, or nearly.  Richie does seem a bit stunned, and maybe he is, after all those tackles.

This is the Rugby machine created by the Maori-islander cohort..

Death of a great champ..Bonecrusher, a winner of extraordinary talent and a great personality to boot. I love horses!!

Well the meeting went for nigh on two hours as there was much input from various parties, even I had some small thing to say. It was a productive meeting, again typical of good small town interaction, although in classic style, all the chairs had to be relocated to another room for the meeting. This new smaller room had an enormous pillar in the centre. The original  room where all the chairs were stacked already, would have be perfect. Such is the (il) logic of some people's thinking!

The gay wall chart...

The facilitators.....

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