Wednesday 3 June 2015

Wet Wellie

Had an early morning start today with an appt for car at Europe Motors at eight a.m. Am doing a couple of cosmetic touches to facilitate its sale in July, hey, that's next month!
A lot can happen in twelve hours and I think I am taking a reverse look at my 'new life'.. 
I may not just be ready for this new life and it is posing a few complications which I don't wish to have in any new life. I know nothing is simple, but when it involves another person it is doubly consequential and you cannot ignore the effect on the other person. So in this case I think discretion is the better outcome, rather than valour. Tomorrow's lunch will settle everything, and sadly, I fear it will end. So be it. It has been a mammoth ten days to say the least.

Perfect reproductions of Rembrandt on show in Wellington. It just goes to show  that the originals perhaps, don't have to be experienced after all, who knew?

This story is unbelievable... For a mere 'sign' outside a ministry buliding they spent $67 thousand dollars. See it below. Very nice of course but this is typical of the Wellington over-spending. Huge amounts go out for quality projects which should only have cost a fraction of what they spent. In OZ, for example, I would guesstimate that this stone edifice would doubtless have cost less than thirty thousand dollars, here, more than twice that amount. What can you say?

A white elephant...

Dunedin floodedyou can see how English, or Scottish, is this buliding. Dunedin is touted as the Edinburgh of the South and it certainly looks like it, but in this case is suffering fom flooding rains.

Classic Kiwi photo, can do, anything!

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