Monday 8 June 2015

Settling...and Stan's the Man!

GcIt's now time for me to refocus and get myself together for next Monday's big twelve day trip to Sydney which will be of utmost import in preparing for the rest of my life there, if that is meant to be, as I am beginning to think it is. 

Situations like Y are rare and unpredictable and I need in my life now much more stability than that is offering. And he needs more time to resituate his life and find out who he actually is having livedfor nearly forty years in the shadow of an excessive artist/genius like J. What can you say or expect, recovery and reformation takes more than a few weeks, probably more like a few years, so I will relocate and see what eventuates. If he comes to visit me I will know of his serious intent at least. But I will probably go ahead and sell the car as it is getting to be a problem. Now I have  repaired the remote control lock, and the seat is moveable, it is really for sale anyway.

I am really looking forward to returning to OZ, and am living every day here to the full, as it is with some regrets that I leave, but really it is time to go. So many seeds I have planted here, who knows how they will grow? I will certainly return to see them in the next short time, probably in January I would think, as things will have settled by then hopefully.

More scientific proof about mind body connection which was illustrated clearly in an Aussie film I saw  the other day called 'Connections'. It is certainly a part of my everyday life and I couldn't live a happy life without it. Science is always catching up, aye?

Paris meditating on his cellphone

This Rembrandt exhibition I must see very soon...

Stan Wawrinka wins the Paris Openand makes his mark on tennis history..perhaps the next Djokovic or Federer? Djokovic misses out on his Grand Slam. This  Swiss champion has been waiting a while to get into the top four and now he seems to have done it with his second major title, after winning the Australian Open last year. He looks to be a worthy successor.

NZ Black Caps are set to beat England,finally, and at Edgebaston in Birmingham, where I am about to visit in late July. 

This is another trip I am really looking forward to, but I am now off to the Wellington Art Gallery and then home to finalise my train bookings for Birmingham. Then I can rest and begin my Sydney two weeks planning in earnest, as I want to make every post a winner there.

This movie called 'Noble'is really one of the best bio-pics of the year. An Irish made movie about an amazing Irishwoman, like Jean Watson, who went to Vietnam and established one hundred orphanages for the protection of the kids who were being exploited. A great woman, with a lovely voice, who was raped and abused as a child, and whose favourite singer was Doris Day. I empathised fully with her, and it was by luck I picked this to see tonight. 

The wind is again gale force and Sonny just said he'll miss me and Fir when we're gone...! Was surprised to hear that from him. 

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