Sunday 21 June 2015

Woy Woy Bay

Wow, my visit to Woy Woy Bay has had quite an effect, and on me.

My good friend M has been a real activist recently, and it is for a necessary and praisworthy cause. It is the matter of unrecognised grief for those who have commited suicide after having been sexually, emotionally and physically abused in their extreme youth or teenage years. This unheard group needs to be acknowledged and remembered with a national memorial service by the churches who were responsible, individually and collectively, for the deaths by suicide or resultant alcoholism or drug addiction leading to premature death. He has, after dozens of (some fiery) phone calls and emails, won the first round by getting the Anglican Primate of Melboure to agree to an October day of remembrance with a service to be held commemorating their deaths and the reminder that we must be forever vigilant. 

The Central Coast Anglican Church is also participating with an ongoing discussion to hold a similar Memorial Service in Gosford, with he, Malcolm, writing the service and delivering an address. After all, he is one of the survivors of much abuse and a few suicide attempts in his earlier life. The wounds are deep and enduring, and this abuse is well known to retain a veil of silence and secrecy brought about by the shame and guilt cast upon the victims themselves. The perpetrators remain safe for the most part, hiding under the protection of their churches. What an absolute sham is this hypocrisy and evil that the churches function under where some continue to deny their absolute complicity, especially the Catholic church.

View from Taylor Street

Brekkie over....

Some of M.'s great art collection..

...on the net checking provenance.

What we will do for the awful toll of suicides after abuse...we need a memorial service to help heal the wounds..

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