Thursday 25 June 2015

Last day in OZ

My last night is at Anne and John's in their lovely home at Thirroul. As an old school chum, John is possibly my oldest living friend, and I have seen him pass through many of life's changes, some at a distance, but one up close and not the least -  the arrival of his beautiful baby boy who was delivered into this world carrying Down's Syndrome. 

Anthony is an absolute delight and now at 22 years of age, is functioning far better than I would have ever dreamed. This is in the large part due to the sensitive and intelligent upbringing he has had, from especially his Mum. She is to be congratulated and also John who has matured into a much more sensitive human being because of the presence and love of Anthony. It was  a joyful visit and I appreciate their friendship very much, unconditional as it is.

This morning I was taken by John for a drive to Mt Keira to see the fab view of the Wollongong coast and then we went down to the foreshore to Belmore Basin for a nice coffee, sitting in the warm sun and getting toasted. It has been a perfect warm winter's day. A light lunch offered by Anne and I now am on the train to the airport.

Now for windy Wellington!

My separate granny flat...

Camellia on the sill...

..with John expounding

..and Anne cooking.

Midnight and back in my Wellington bed. The heavy rain has just begun and I feel really at home.Looking forward to seeing Y tomorrow night at Floriditas. Am feeling as if I have not even been away, it's funny how you get used to the bad weather, and appreciate the good when it does appear!

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