Wednesday 17 June 2015

Thursday c Benjamin

This kookaburra is Mike's regular visitor it seems, and today he came and sat right outside the kitchen window for quite a few minutes, I felt quite blessed by his presence.

The Blues win the big game last nightwith the requisite help of the Pacific Islanders

Probably not the next Labor Prime Minister

Today is lunch with my Peruvian friend Benjamin go see how he is progressing with his newly single existence.

Having my coffee fix at the MLC Food Court on Martin least it's hot but not very strong at all. Have written a quick email to M Kirby to discover by immediate automated reply that he is in Salzburg at a GLTBI Global  Conference and has also just  received an Honorary Doctorate from Kingston University, Canada. Such are the breaks for a retired Human Rights Supremo, so I certainly won't be seeing the Honorable MK on this visit to Sydney.

As you can see every worker has his mobile phone, and uses it constantly. We are living in the age of the 'portable' as the French call them, an indisputable essential ingredient for today's lifestyle, unfortunately. And now on to my trek to spend the generous sum my dear sister bestowed on me for my birthday -  David Jones' fragrance department is calling.

Caught a movie called 'Clouds of Sils Maria' at my favourite cinema, the Opera Dendy, right next door to Sydney Opera House.
A strange arthouse style move which I didn't enjoy much at all, constantly waiting for the plot to make some sense. It seemed to be above all a vehicle for Juliette Binoche, again in a bilingual role but speaking a dialogue which was utterly boring, in spite of her excellent acting skills. I could not recommend this movie to anyone unless they wanted to see Swiss countryside for ninety minutes. A much over rated movie. Three stars only.

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