Thursday 18 June 2015

Seventieth Birthday!!!

The rain is tumbling down as only a new sub-tropical city like Sydney can provide. It has rained solidly everyday that I have been in Sydney and it's even quite cold. Luckily I am prepared for it. 

Today Mike is cooking a leg of lamb and we are having two old family friends for a lunch at his house in Matraville. I have prepared an antepasto dish and Annie has insisted on bringing a cake so the cooking duties have been happily shared. There is always the unexpected element however, and in this case it is that bro has generously said he will pick up both guests at their homes, also will deliver them back there. With Sydney weather and traffic to take into consideration there are a few unknown factors which could occur. Let's hope it goes without incident.
Memories of olden!Outside Dior in King Street...

Fantastic ABC Q and A on sexual diversity where things were discussed that would never have seen light of day fifty years ago when I was twenty.

Martin Plaza looking very Italian...

Benjamin's Paddo pad... very Peruvian!

Lovely Paddo.

The Plaza

My visit to Sydney has been a realisation that this beautiful large metropolis is not the city I lived in so long ago. It still has the memories, but its function is severely impaired with excessive traffic and a poor road system which Lord Mayor Clover Moore is trying in vain I'm afraid, to circumvent by introducing the increased use of specialised bicycle lanes.

Well in spite of the torrential rain the day turned out to be perfect with an efficient pick-up for P and A and a delicious leg of lamb, perfectly cooked by bro, followed by a luscious chocolate mudcake brought by Annie.  A visit from Mike's friend Fred topped off the very pleasant day, which included a skype chat with sis in Perrh. Also a nice phone call from old school mate Kerry who happily told me that my controversial speech from four years ago at St Eddie's still has reverberations to the point that the school now has established a permanent office to celebrate diversity amongst the students. My legacy has been left.

A quick drive back to Paddington and Waverley, delivering two happy ladies,  finished off an excellent low-key day of my seventieth birthday.

The table set...

...guests arrived.. eat the chocolate  birthday cake

...celebrating my new look - a new gap in my front teeth!

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