Tuesday 9 June 2015

Windy and wet

Well Jerry's still there, but now on page three with his daughter still struggling to survive. The community is rallying around and raising money as he was a much beloved member of the Porirua community, and their biggest hero.

Am in Memphis with a cool crowd who are all feeling the warmth, with sixties and seventies music streamed,  and Dusty Springfield filling my ears with distant memories....
Memphis  crowd...

Money for the the babe...

...wet in Dixon Street
Minke whale beached...😔

John Campbell, TV hero...his show was axed but he is alive and kicking for a Radio NZ gig perhaps. He was axed as he'd been popular too long it seems,and  they just wanted a change. Have never seen him but he was a challenging reporter who worked his way up the ranks to having his own very informative show it appears. Is it a case of Tall Poppy Syndrome? I con't know, but it does exist here I'm afraid.

Today is D day for Fir ...she has flown to Christchurch for an interview for a job in Antarctica for five months, at least. I am picking her up at 2.30 on her return and we will see how it went. We must have a farewell dinner or lunch together before we both go our own ways. Her parents and twin sister arrive in late July, so we may have a small window then to meet up. I really want to meet her family as she has been such a perfect flatmate, and she is very close to them in the totally Jewish-family sort of way.

Today also is my day of representing Eckankar at the Police Department's induction of a new liaison officer. We have been invited for a light dinner afterwards, and it may turn out to be interesting, or just pedestrian, I hope the former. It means I also will have to forego my Scottish dancing now for three weeks, as I leave on Monday for the Big Smoke.

The hearing impaired lobbyneeds to be proud of its progress...sign language is one of the many things I have started and the let go because of moving. I wonder what would happen if I were to stay, after all, I do have a deaf friend I could talk to....

Just back from the Police push...it was an exceptional evening of interracial mixture and interfaith religions all coming together to welcome a young Christian Assyrian originally from Iraq, into the police hierarchy as the inaugural Ethnicity Liaison Officer. The room was packed, about eighty at least, with his friends and supporters. It was all very well organised by Rakesh, who spoke at length, and a smoother tongued speaker I haven't heard in many a moon. Phil, the new inductee, wasn't so bad either, and the other four Interfaith Reps were all happy to be there. Refreshments, in the form of large tureens of kumara and pumpkin soups, were served along with other traditional Iraqi food.

Many speeches were made and it was indeed a suitable launch for a young man who is certainly on the way up in this multi-cultural Kiwi society. I was also extremely happy to be instrumental in recruiting a new Muslim member for our Interfaith board, name of Jasim, who showed strong interest in joining us. This now is one problem solved for our long-suffering president. I was a very satisfying evening of networking and getting to know some of our police force

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