Monday 1 June 2015

New week, new life

OMG, it's June already in the Memphis Belle.
Tom just left after a post-mortem of the weekend party. R has bought an exceptionally good buy but it remains to be seen what use he makes of it. Tom is a good businessman whereas R is a former bankrupt so Tom's advice is valuable.

Yesterday at N's place I discovered just what a treasure he is and what a legacy he has to look after. He certainly needs time, and perhaps even eventually a helping hand, but whose?

Only six percent of foreigh students..are attending Wellington universities and they are missing out on an enormous foreign income, and talent of course. This city certainly needs to have a bigger infrastructure and as Linda Meade said in her column below, a direct International flight, meaning a runway extension at the airport, which would be not just desirable, but essential. It seems obvious to me that with such a valuable resource as excellent higher   education here, they do need to find a way to export it for the better of the country, and indeed, the rest of the world. Wellington education is in the top rank, is worth a lot, and is to be valued.

Euthanasia bill should come before Parliament..and so say all of us. This poor female lawyer, about to die ignominiously, needs the right to self terminate.

New Swedish super-long ship for the Straits...could be something I might take in the distant future....

Linda Meade writing good sense about the restricted airport, but realises in the long term it is an essential addition to Wellington's future. This columnist knows what she is talking about, being finance advisor at Deloitte.

Edward on the job, or not...a great example of multi cultural, inclusive, Wellington.

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