Saturday 27 June 2015

Night 'n Day at Aro Valley

I have such a vague memory of yesterday... a most beautiful day where so much happened that needs to be recorded... 
Yono as Indonesian dancer...

Morning farewell from the balcony......where I passed a most memorable evening, and night, with an amazing man who made it the best I could ever have dreamed.

A later photo of Yono with Jack and friend

Yono's young FB photo...

The evening began at Floriditas on Cuba Street, the venue of an earlier date we had had. The same waitress served us, but tonight we both had the clam chowder soup which I had enjoyed so much the first time. We also had a plate of wilted greens - kale and spinach salad - and a small dish of French fries. It was a very pleasant meal, although the fries were too much for both of us to consume. Tonight the Campari and soda went missing, replaced by a cranberry juice in its stead. It was to be an alcohol free evening.

Time with Y passes so quickly as we do not know each, and there is so much to tell and to discover. He has had a most interesting life, and there is still much more to come.
We finished the meal quite early to go home where Y prepared a beautiful cup of fresh ginger, lemon and orange hot drink, with a spoon of honey. It was really the nicest I've ever tasted.

We talk and laugh, tell stories and exchange tales of our most disparate lives. But all is totally understood and accepted in the most delightful way. The night passed in the best possible way, and about nine o'clock in the morning it was time for a fresh cup of excellent coffee made by Y, followed by muesli, and also a hard-boiled egg. Quite a solid workman's fare.

It was time to say goodbye as we both had many things to do. So I took my leave and asked him to consider, later in July, a short trip to Waiheke Island to see his friends, and me to see mine. I suggested it may be a delightful opportunity to get to know each other on neutral ground, and also to have a break from Wellington. We'll see what eventuates, there is no pressure and no rush, but life is looking decidedly sweeter. What a lucky man am I!

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