Tuesday 2 June 2015

Return to Dentist

Well some things are the product of the imagination and mine certainly is a fertile one.
Back home after a return to Kelvin my charming Chinese dentist, I am relieved to say the filing had not  disappeared  as I had thought, it  just wasn't at all evident without the aid of a lighted mirror, which of course, I didn't have. So all is good, the filling is there for a little longer anyway.

News today is all about the hide and blatant corruption of FIFA. Sep Blatter will have to go to gaol but how crooked do you have to be before you get caught? A billion dollars swindled.

Tony Abott is losing his lesbian sister in his one eyed stance against gay marriage

Another Kiwi success story, in chocolate!

Just back from Scottish dancing and I have decided to go no further in my foolhardy notion of finding love at seventy. Oliver Sacks may do it, but I am not Oliver Sacks. Friday at lunch I will explain why to N and I know he will understand it is for the best. It has been a marvellous ten day romance.

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