Monday 15 June 2015

Hermann's Bar - Closed for lunch

First morning in Sydney and things are really rolling along. Bro went for swim early this morning then on return, made me an nice hot porridge and coffee which I had imported from NZ . Nice taste but not espresso!
Made several phone calls and set up lunches for the next ten days. All in order and everyone willing to come to the party, so to speak, as there will be no party, just a series of little lunches like today's with Helen at the Wenthworth Building, at Hermann's Bar, which when I arrived at eleven thirty, was closed. Helen was never good for making RVs, so I am seated nearby in the student caff, surrounded by Asian students devouring their lunches. At ten past twelve I look to discover the bar has opened and there she was, waiting patiently for me. We repair to a better cafe and have a nice recap and I tell her my news.  It was all good, she was very happy, if a little incredulous, for me. 

Earlier this morning arose the opportunity to tell bro of my slightly altered plans, ie, my planned life with Y in Wellington. I feel I must at least launch this six months plan, which is like a time for reconnaissance and reflection to see what the future holds, as I only too clearly can see the possibilities, I am, however, an incurable romantic. Y is in a totally different place, somewhat blinded by forty years of service to his beloved Jack and doesn't see things all that clearly yet which it absolutely normal.
In six months however, spent seeing him regularly, I think we should know.
So yes, I have decided to stay in Wellie for the time being, and possibly for life. Who knows?
Outside Hermann's Bar

...closed till evening!

As I arrived early I went to my old student residence near the Wentworth building, to revive some nice memories of 1967 at International House, where I was one of the inaugural residents, for one year only. But lots can happen in one year and it certainly did for me. First I was deflowered by a charming but insistent Indonesian man, a quite beautiful and unexpected occasion, and then I embarked on a torrid affair with D. who was the most desirable woman in the the residence. We sort of fell in love, but I was more in love with my freedom, and was exploring my different emerging sexual nature, which by then had been slowly awakened. 
So D. and I went our separate ways, eventually she to academic excellence in Manchester of all places, and I went on to Paris and indulged in more debauchery. Also in that year, my first year of Law, my father suddenly died at age 64, thereby releasing me from the yoke, self-imposed of course, of a 'sparkling' legal career. 

Michael Kirby interestingly, also at Sydney Law School about four years ahead of me, had his star in the ascendant at that period and went on to become a famous Judge in the High Court of Australia. And nearly fity years later we become friends. Strange how life works in circles and we meet the people we have to. I am sure I will be seeing Michael again, perhaps even on this trip.

So today's nostalgic visit to International House, which hasn't changed a bit, was fitting and touching as it brought back many memories of my youthful, searching young self.  

Wentworth Union at Sydney Uni....
at the Student caff for a nice salad and sweet.

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