Thursday 25 June 2015

Thirroul -with Hedimo and the Dening Family

Today, my second last day in OZ I am visiting old friend JD in Thirroul. It is ages since we caught up and I really want to see how his son Anthony is going.
But first I am able to visitgood friend Hedimo, also at Thirroul, who meets me at the station to take me a short walk back to his fab house in the rain forest. He and Nick have been there five years and this is my first visit. We have a beautiful cup of Twinings tea and some home-made cake and corn bread. And then he produces a beautiful soup...what a great cook he is. We catch up after such a long time and his news is all good and positive. He loves living in Thirroul and is now looking for a job at W'gong uni. 

We give JD a ring to come around to pick me up which he does and then H makes another cup of tea. It is an excellent opportunity for JD to meet a friend of mine from my later life as he only knows me from St Eddies' school days. The meeting is an unqualified success. I return back to JD's where we chat and wait for Anne to come home with Anthony. She has already cooked a lovely chicken and we eat a fab meal, chatting and being impressed with how much Anthony has progressed. He shows enormous talent as an artist and a dancer so I encourage them to pursue his talents which I think they will agree to do. Sometimes when one is too close one can't see the forest for the trees. 

We also call Bev Hull in Sydney, whom I met in NZ at the ballet, to introduce her to Anne and Anthony. They get on well and maybe one day they can meet up when the time is right. It was a plan I made weeks ago when we met up 'by accident' in Wellington. Bev's daughter Beth also has Down's Syndrome and is a delightful girl.

View from H's balcony..

..H's living room

My good and talented friend Anthony Dening

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