Sunday 7 June 2015

Jerry Collins-day three

This must be nearly a record, headline news three days in a row, but this man certainly was an exceptional person in his own right as well as a super Rugby player. Such an iconic Samoan who was killed in an accident driven by his wife in their car in France, early in the morning, and holding his baby in a capsule in the back seat. Better I feel that both parents died together as the child can be reared very well by a loving extended family. Less grief there, and the parents are together in their next lives.

His idol....

Gideon at work....

Good story, bad story....

Tom just joined me for coffee at Memphis. News that he now has a new lodger in the form of Japanese N who will no longer be moving in with R. who, We hear on fb, is at the moment kicking his heels up in Thailand. This is the problem when you take a lot of holidays.

I had a lovely evening meal yesterday with Y. who is now starting to open up a bit more about the pain he went through with ten long days at the hospice, but even worse the two years of preparation for this final run. There was much service given, and much suffering by Y. He wants me to help him and I will for as long as I am here. But he must make an effort for himself as well, sinking into depression is a dangerous thing, however I am not to be his 'rescuer' as I am wont to be, not good for either of us.

Went to see J. this afternoon, between her very busy RVs. She gave me lots of news and little time for mine, as usual. But I spilled the beans about seeing Y, and she gave me another side of the situation which may be quite accurate but also comes from her separated state.

I decide to see Y tonight, but he cancels due to herpes, I now think it's far better to stay away for a while. He doesn't need stress, which is the reason for most herpes. I'll leave the ball in his court... 

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