Wednesday 26 August 2015

A Day in the Country - NSW Southern Highlands

Am away early this morning with the weather forecast good at nine a.m. After doing a load of washing and allowing my dutiful bro to hang it out on this sunfilled day, I meet at the bus-stop a young lady who willingly shows me a new app for my i-phone which I immediately download. It is 'Get there', an app to show you exactly when the buses arrive. Having that, I then check the timetable for the Southern Highlands as I am to meet Terry at beautiful Bowral at 12.30.

 All is in order and I have time to buy an excellent small coffee at the station kiosk from the good Polish barista. I spoil myself also with an almond croissant, which is inadvisable as I am about to have a pub lunch with Terry. Altogether too much food on this trip, and I was to learn my lesson in sensible eating. Ah, well, one day,

The train arrives, early I thought, but I take it as it goes to Campelltown where I have to change trains for Bowral and it is here that I am to meet Terry for lunch and a big catch-up as it is over two years since I have seen him.

I will leave thoughts of meeting my dear sis tomorrow in the background and allow the ECK to look after her. She will be OK, I know that, but I haven't bought any presents for her. Perhaps I will find something in Bowral.

A half-hour wait at Campbelltown...on the phone!

On way home..

The day was grey and wet and the fog had settled over Bowral. Terry met me with his big umbrella and showed me the main drag on the way to his favourite healthy restaurant, called interestingly, the Raw and Wild, rather like a gay men's club.

We both ordered a lasagna, me vegetarian, he beef. It was a regrettable choice as It came out hard like  a board with a salad like a green bush, most of which in Terry's case, was left on the plate. We decided against a coffee and walked back in the light rain with wet footpaths to his Kenilworth Residence, about a twenty five minute walk.  He has a delightful home, furnished as always with consummate taste. But finally he is in the land of the old and frail, God's waiting-room they cruelly call it, and it is just that. I was anxious to get away but delayed my departure by one hour for politeness.

Bowral was in its full cold and wet glory, and I'm afraid may stay like that a long time without my presence. I am sure it is delightful in summer, when it does arrive, but today was a tad depressing. The town is full of retirees and there is little life to be seen except in the pubs, which is always the case in any country town in Australia. I wished him good luck and I wended my way back to the station to return to civilisation as I know it. 

Luckily on my way back I found a little gift of a Pashmina copy for my sister. She loves scarves and it was quite pretty.
I wonder if I can still catch that movie at the Verona?

More phone business...

My interesting neighbours....?

Terry at home...

In Bowral...

..where it is very cold and wet,

like this at Bowral station, very foggy.

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