Friday 28 August 2015

Quiet day before departure

Having decided to forego any activity today, I make it quite clear it is a layday for me. A leisurely breakfast and lovely morning tea with a custard tart brought home by a diligent sister turns a sunny morning into a pleasant relaxing discussion about the welcome home birthday party for Peter.

As always the intransigent brother reigns supreme. His domain, and his routine, are not to be interrupted and the final result is sister's suggestion to bake a casserole and have the lunch as originally planned with Annie, and perhaps his colleague Austin, being the only guests. Sis is a great cook and has no problem with preparing a meal for six, and I will do the hors d'oevres for the beginning of the day's celebrations. Peter's arrival is scheduled at sometime around seven-thirty in the morning and luncheon will be at about midday. The two siblings have still not decided what to do today and it seems like the day, sunny as it is, is fast disappearing. 

Hopefully Australia's next PM,Antony Albanese, or 'Albo'.

Power of social media...thousands of young demonstrators at Flinders Station after Twitter postings that morning.

Seminal moment of Indigenous pride...Adam Goodes bares his colour to all at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Great Australian Ballet being prepared. I must see Swan Lake in December when I am here again for a few days after my Melbourne visit.

Morning tea with sis on veranda..

There is now shopping to be done at Maroubra so bro and sis take car to buy beef for stew and return to take bus to city for a walk along the harbour front, on the West side where the new casino complex owned by magnate Jame Packer is taking place. Jamie's new squeeze, according to the tabloids, is non other than singing sensation Mariah Carey, a Las Vegas star who may soon be in his stable. That is if they both make a lot of money out of it. She is a good cover for Jamie while he builds more casinos and sells his father's favourite property and prize collection of Polo stallions - all this is a fitting retribution from a very angry son who hated his father but still inherited all his enormous fortune. A son's revenge!

I decide it is time to buy some Philadelphia cream cheese for the smoked salmon tomorrow, and go to the local shop and belatedly discover there is a Post Office which was open till eleven o'clock.I realise  I would have been able to use it if I had gone out earlier with sis for her shopping. Oh well, I will just have to post Therese's gift from Wellington and it will arrive later, much later,

It is fine and sunny so I pop down below the shops to see if Gail is at home. She may even have a coffee with me at the local cafè conveniently situated opposite her on the corner with a beautiful view over Malabar Beach. This is a rare asset in Sydney and one not to underestimate. I sit in the shade next to a Kiwi couple who are eating a great lunch which is to too much for them and they take home a large doggie box for later. Here, it seems, one meal is worth two. It would have been a great place for us all to have had lunch, close by and exquisite views, with excellent food. C'est la vie... my brother just doesn't like to eat out.

View from Café on Malabar Beach

Indigenous Aussie success story....Joel Edgerton directs and stars in a new movie, called 'The Gift'.

Sitting next to young Kiwi man with family..another success story no doubt.
I ended up by speaking to them and they are indeed from Hawke's Bay and would love to return there to bring up their little daughter. They know the value of less stress and clean healthy living which is afforded to all who live in that wonderful country which is New Zealand - interesting chat.

Cappuccino arrives in the form of a Spoodle

..he is very well behaved and his owners are an American couple who are very appreciative of this café and the life in Malabar..It is indeed, one of the great secrets of Sydney, soon to be discovered I am afraid.

I have been reading the Weekend Australianand now I remember how much I used to love reading it when living in OZ. it has great literature reviews and great film critics and just a great read altogether. I now plan to find this Saturday newspaper gem somewhere in New Zealand, probably in the city the library a week later!

The ballet for December in Sydneywhom willI I take?

I get a text from Gail - she is home and wants a visit. Time to finish up on this beautiful Malabar beach and visit the home where the baby is about to make her appearance.  It is a propitious visit as both grandmothers are there to assist the mother when the birth is imminent. Mari, Darrell's Mum, is a Maori elder and happens to share the same birthday as me. We get on very will and share a few stories. I show her my Marae photos and the Kaumatua Kapahaka at Te Papa. She is a larger than life lady and tells the story of the latest conquest she has had, who happens to be twenty years her junior. She shows me his photo - strapping and charming and a musician to boot. Things are looking very good for her and she says she is taking it very slowly but who knows where it will go. I don't share with her my story of also meeting someone who is much younger and who is very interested in me. Is this an astrological coincidence or a validation of it? I think the latter, as it the time things are happening in a big way for Geminis born on June 19.
Mari sings me parting Karakia which is a fitting end to a lovely encounter. Lots of hugs all around and I leave to return to an empty house with time to pack for tomorrow's flight.

My tummy is still upset from or the food poisoning of earlier this week in Oatlands, so tonight I am having some toast to try and settle it down. On scrolling through the many TV channels in Sydney I fall across the sixties classic of 'Designing Woman' with Gregeory Peck and Lauren Bacall. It is highly politically incorrect, racist and stylised, but a mindless amusing return to a Hollywood where everyone had chaste lives and perfect wardrobes.

Soon after the siblings return from their stimulating walk from Central Station to the Quay and we turn on the ABC program of  Garden Australia, another watchable, program but in a different world. Now for the big day tomorrow...

Mari with son Darrell, and Gail, waiting for the birth

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