Monday 31 August 2015

D-Day for Body Positive

A visit to BP this morning confirmed the sad news that the centre is scheduled to close in four weeks, a very short window to end a two year stint which had, by and large, been very successful from the clients' point of view.  But not financially as the BP chairman took pains to point out in the cyber media GayNZ. I placed a support post to one from Auckland to say the closure was a sad event, and in response received a stern riposte from the chairman saying please remove this post. 

Well, apart from not knowing how to remove a post form FB I had to stand by my support so on careful thought I wrote a strongly worded but polite letter suggesting that my words were valid and should stay there.

We'll now see what happens. Ron has already signed out, he feels there is no future without the Auckland support and I suppose he is right. But there were problems from day one when the Chairman and the former ED were not on the same page. This new ED was the chair's personal choice, and so is a 'yes' man and getting rid of Wellington was high on his agenda. And now he has got his wish but has far fewer friends than ever. Needless to say I will be 'unfriended' as soon as he reads my email, lol!

Savoury muffin with versato

Example of enormous overspending on travel post Christchurch earthquake

What is this slant from Australia?It's all about money, not about ethics or one's health

Hoping to see and hear, Renée in a few weeks at the Michael Fowler Centre

Dear Oliver Sacks, he led a great if tortured life, helpingothers see themselves as worthy people in spite of perceived differences and sometimes brain damage. Lived till 82 though, and finally found himself a lover!

Breaking news: a phone call from Karen Ritchie confirms the fight to keep Wellington BP Centre open is on. I may now well do the interview requested by Jay for GayNZ. It will be interesting to see what eventuates in the next few days, social media is a fast mover.

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