Sunday 23 August 2015

Westbury lunch and progressive chook raising

Today with Peter we decided to have lunch with my good friends Gil and Diana at Westbury.They had   already invited Rika for a luncheon date, so it was a surprise when we turned up at this newly taken-over restaurant at Westbury, the township of my maternal ancestors in the 1800s. It looked very appetising as I checked it out before the others arrived.

The meal was wonderful and the company great and later we returned to Gil and Diana's to see the latest in chicken rearing. Well it was mind blowing! Gil is an accomplished and experienced agriculture professional, and now he has turned his hand to the humane and revolutionary production of healthy drug free chickens and eggs to die for.

His free range run of about 180 chooks and roosters is amazing in its science and humanitarian good sense. It may well set the benchmark for future world hen and egg production, for those who want their food humane and healthy. It was an experience and an education to see him in action with these beautiful animals.

I would love to taste one, one day, and naturally Peter bought a freshky killed chicken to bring home for a later meal. I'm sure it will be a really tasty success.

It was a wonderful and fresh day in the beautiful Tasmanian countryside, and a great catch-up with old and very good Eckist friends. Actually, it was inspirational!

Rika with Beethoven in the lovely William Street Café at Westbury

Gill in front of Frederic Chopin

...a couple of choice chooks on the range..

..leaving after a great lunch!

This is Gil's dream project, and it will work!

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